
649 reviews
4.92 Rating
8 Years hosting

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About Liz

Where I went to school: Colorado Coll, Roosevelt U, Columbia U
My work: Self Employed
Favorite song in high school: Fantasy, Earth Wind and Fire
What makes my home unique: It's really our home, filled with books
Pets: Sadie is our long-haired gorgeous cat
Born in the 50s
I'm obsessed with: Cooking
Speaks English, French, and Italian
Lives in Minnetonka, MN
For guests, I always: Listen for what kind of stay they want
What's for breakfast: Big Apple Pancake, for one
John and I have been married over 30 years. He is from Pennsylvania, and I am from Chicago. We lived in Chicago for most of our marriage, and we raised our sons there. Both of us have been teachers for a good part of our lives, and John moved on to do other work in education. I've been working from home for quite a while. We have been guests with Airbnb with good experiences, and we've been hosting for 5 years. We love our home in Minnesota, and we love our life here. We would be more…

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Liz's confirmed information

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Liz’s listings

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Liz's Guidebooks

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